hands and feet Blog


“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3 ESV



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


First Kings 18 shares a story that I would love to have seen in action…the Showdown at Mt. Carmel! Elijah, prophet of the LORD GOD, challenged 450 prophets of Baal (false god) to a face-off, to show all the people who is GOD. They would both build altars, without setting fire to the offering…and the God who answered by fire is the one true GOD. They all agreed to the challenge, and the fight was on!


The 450 “prophets” worked hard most of the day, building the altar, dancing, yelling, cutting themselves…everything to try to get the attention of their god. But, alas, Baal was silent.


Now it’s Elijah’s turn. He repairs the LORD’s altar with 12 stones, wood, and the offering (a bull). He digs a trench around the altar and proceeds to pour 12 large jars of water OVER the offering! What was he thinking??? Everyone knows that fire will not burn wet wood, let alone wet meat! Those 450 prophets must have thought he was absolutely crazy.


Ok…so then Elijah prays a simple 30-second prayer. And then…! And then…! This happens:


“Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, ‘The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!’ 40 And Elijah said to them, ‘Seize the prophets of Baal! Do not let one of them escape!’ So they seized them; and Elijah brought them down to the Brook Kishon and executed them there.” 1 Kings 18:38-40


Wow. What an awesome display of GOD’s mighty power. The LORD, HE is GOD!!!


Now for the practical application. We know about offering our bodies as “living sacrifices” (Romans 12:1). We sing about HIS “consuming fire, sweet perfume.” But how much of us are we willing to allow the Fire to burn?

We may be willing for HIS Fire to burn the meat… the things in our lives that obviously should be burned away. This is “normal” sacrifice. Every day, run-of-the-mill sacrifice as a child of GOD.


…but what about the wet wood, those stubborn areas of pride and rebellion and self-centeredness?

…and the stones? What about the altars that we have set up to addictions and dependencies such as alcohol, pornography, or even addictions to our jobs or social media?

…and what about the very dust? Past sins that have been forgiven, but still, some of the dust remains. Or old habits that just will not die, and you’ve become comfortable with them. Are you willing for the Fire to burn the dust?

…and how about the dirtied water? We are naturally born of water (see John 3:5-6). Are you willing for the Fire to burn up every last vestige of “flesh” …everything you were raised on…every notion of religion and financial management and politics based on human wisdom…until absolutely nothing remains?


How far are we willing to go…for HIS Glory?


The word of the LORD has revealed that, for HIS Glory to come and to be displayed within us, HIS Fire must come first. You see, the extent to which we are fully submitted, the extent to which we allow GOD's Fire to burn away "stuff" in our lives…is the extent to which HIS Power and HIS Presence and HIS Glory can be revealed and manifested in our lives.


How far are we willing to go…for HIS Glory?


The result of the Fire is REVIVAL! First Kings 18 tells us that the people of GOD fell to their faces and declared, “The LORD, HE is GOD!” Isaiah 60 says that HIS Glory upon us will cause nations to come to HIS light, our sons and our daughters will return, our children will be brought back from the place of captivity.


The Fire of GOD falls on us, and all of the onlookers, even the Body of CHRIST, and those who are waiting to see “who” is GOD, will see HIS Power revealed, and will be revived and declare, “The LORD, HE is GOD! The LORD, HE is GOD!”


How far are we willing to go…for HIS Glory?


Brothers and sisters, revival starts with us. We ask GOD for revival…but HE is asking us how far are we willing to go? HE is waiting on us to humble ourselves and pray and seek HIS face and turn from our wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). Souls are in the balance!


So…how far are you willing to go for HIS Glory? For souls? For lives to be transformed?


As soon as we allow the Fire of GOD to burn every single area of our lives…as soon as only a sheer veneer of our skin enshrouds the glorious Presence of GOD within us…is when we will see revival in our homes, our families, our communities, our jobs, our nation.


LORD, burn me…that YOUR Glory may be revealed, and lives may come to the light of YOUR salvation.


In JESUS’ Name. Amen.

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“You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 12:2-3



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


During one of our times of prophetic prayer, I had a vision. I saw two little girls, one a little older than the other, hiding away in an underground space, almost like under a building or in a train. They looked scared. While asking HOLY SPIRIT what HE was showing me, the vision shifted.


I saw the Kaaba in Mecca.

Immediately, HOLY SPIRIT confronted me with idol worship. When I was younger, my parents were Muslim and I had gone to hajj, a sacred worship pilgrimage performed by those devoted to the faith. I wept in repentance at the reminder that I had worshiped another god beside the ALMIGHTY GOD.


Still, the vision continued.

I saw a hammer from Heaven come down and strike the Kaaba. It was smashed to pieces! I was shocked! Then the vision ended.

For those who are not former Muslims, let me explain a little about the Kaaba or The Cube. It is the most sacred site in all the Muslim world. It is considered to be the very house of god, and all Muslims face the direction of the Kaaba to pray.

I saw it smashed.

The LORD showed me that, in this season, HE is proving who is GOD and who is not. HE is breaking down every image of jealousy; every enemy will be put on display as powerless to save themselves and their own house, let alone others. For the sake of the blood of the martyrs spilled, the season of vengeance and shame has come.

Then HOLY SPIRIT put it all together for me. The girls in the dream were hiding due to earthquakes, and they represented nations. Like little girls, nations will tremble at the display of HIS Power that is about to be shown.

“When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon and set it by Dagon. And when the people of Ashdod arose early in the morning, there was Dagon, fallen on its face to the earth before the ark of the Lord. So they took Dagon and set it in its place again. And when they arose early the next morning, there was Dagon, fallen on its face to the ground before the ark of the Lord. The head of Dagon and both the palms of its hands were broken off on the threshold; only Dagon’s torso was left of it.” 1 Samuel 5:2-4

For you and me today:

Check your heart and repent just in case there is an idol in there. ADONAI ELOHIM is in the business of crushing idols in this season. If we posture our hearts and give them up willingly, it maybe less painful. If not, HE is smashing them anyways. Ouch.

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“And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory.” Romans 8:30 (NLT)



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


Satan, that defeated foe, needs us so he can point out to YAHWEH in the courts of Heaven what we have done wrong. He wants us so he can accuse us of not being in right standing before the FATHER. He wants to mess with our minds so we totally lose sight of who we are in CHRIST JESUS. If he can rid us of the understanding that we have much more authority than we are walking in, he has succeeded.

Is satan telling you that you don’t have the right to stand before JEHOVAH? Is he telling you that you don’t have any authority to STAND HIM DOWN? Is he telling you that you have no authority to ask for healing, a breakthrough? Let us look at Romans 8:30. 

“And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory.”

First, GOD has chosen you: “And having chosen them…”

HE made a deliberate choice when HE saw you and formed you in your mother’s womb.

“You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:15-16 (NLT)

Second, not only did GOD choose us…HE then called us: “…he called them…”

This shows how much sincerity is in HIS choosing. HE knows us by name.

“For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 1:9 (NLT)

Third, GOD gave us right-standing with HIM:“…he gave them right standing with himself…”

This can only be achieved with and through the Blood of JESUS.

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.” Romans 5:1 (NLT)

Last, HE gave us HIS glory: “…he gave them his glory….”

We get to share in HIS glory, wear HIS glory, and walk around in HIS glory…not ours.

“I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one.” John 17:22 (NLT)

So, tell me, brothers and sisters, tell me saints, which/what devil in hell can accuse you?

He comes and will come to accuse you but remind him that you have right standing rights because of the Blood of JESUS. Remind him that YAHWEH deliberately choose you and called you by name! Remind him that JESUS HIMSELF has given you HIS glory. Hallelujah!

Satan is so blinded by jealousy and pride that he cannot see or refuses to see that he is fighting a losing battle. EVERY SINGLE TIME!

He needs us to bring shame to the FATHER, but JESUS flips that around and uses it as an opportunity to bring glory to HIS Name! HALLELUJAH!!

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“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

3 John 1:2



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


The meaning of “prosper” is: succeed in material terms, be financially successful or flourish physically, grow strong and healthy. The meaning of “just” is: according to, only, as much as. Our focus Scripture (3 John 1:2) has a deeper and liberating meaning. Let’s pull the verse apart.

It is said that if our souls are experiencing a good journey, everything else will fall in place. Our souls have to be on a good journey before our pocketbooks, businesses and our health. Financial blessing and divine health are in direct proportion – to the same degree – as our soul is prospering. The majority of our chronic (persisting for a long time or constantly recurring) problems are not keeping our souls well. Many peoples' souls are so cluttered and blocked with unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, greed, pride, lust, idolatry, fear, cares and worries that it blocks JESUS and HIS life, healing, provision and glory.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20

JESUS is knocking on the door of our hearts. Our souls need to be prospering to experience HIS full glory. 

The question that arises is, “How can I keep my soul well so that when I sing the song It Is Well with My Soul, I am not lying?”

Here are a few steps that one can take:

  1. A prosperous soul comes to JESUS regularly for rest.

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’” Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

This verse implies that the primary cause of souls failing to find rest is due to people taking yokes and burdens upon them that are not from JESUS. We make commitments and accept responsibilities that are not meant for us. We end up worn out and frustrated. We allow our souls to get so weighed down with pressures, stress, anxiety, troubles, and cares that it cannot rest. An unrestful soul is an unprosperous soul. The soul needs rest if it is to prosper (be kept well), just like the body needs rest for health. We can only receive ease, refreshing, intermission for our souls by coming to JESUS and leaving the stress, worries, pressure and even the dishes behind. Taking time to come aside from troubles and struggles, to rest by the still waters by coming to HIM, our faithful Good Shepherd, is the process HE uses to restore our souls.

  1. A prosperous soul magnifies the LORD.

The soul is a magnifier. Whatever you set your soul on will eventually and totally consume and envelope your entire being. A prosperous soul’s primary focus is on the LORD and HIS Word, not the present condition or state of things. We cannot afford to let the barometer of our souls rise and fall based on the condition of the world around us (e.g., balance of your bank account, rebellion in children, carnality in mate, frustration on the job). However, if we spend our spiritual energy seeing to it that our soul prospers, GOD will see to it that our way prospers.

“Praise the Lord, my soul! Praise his holy name, all that is within me. Praise the Lord, my soul,
and never forget all the good he has done: He is the one who forgives all your sins,
the one who heals all your diseases, the one who rescues your life from the pit,
the one who crowns you with mercy and compassion, the one who fills your life with blessings
so that you become young again like an eagle.”
Psalm 103:1-5 (GW)

  1. A prosperous soul is subject to authority.

“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” Romans 13:1 

All existing authorities have been established by GOD. Whoever resists (opposes or rebels against) the authority, resists the divine order and appointment of GOD and brings judgement on themselves (Romans 13:2). Authority was given by GOD for our protection and our good.

Various authorities have been established by GOD:

·        Absolute authority: GOD and HIS Word (James 4:7)

·        Authority in the home (1 Peter 3:7-9)

·        Spiritual authority in the church (Hebrews 13:17)

·        Civil authority (Romans 13:1-4)

·        Authority in the government, workplace, school (Ephesians 6:8)


In every situation or every room you walk into, determine who is in authority and submit yourself, and your soul will prosper. If the authority does not abide with the Word of the LORD, you must submit. ONLY SUBMIT TO THE WORD. There are specific blessings associated with submission to authority. One example is that of the centurion and his servant – he understood and operated under authority and his faith functioned at a greater level; as a result, his servant was healed (see Matthew 8:5-13).

  1. A prosperous soul walks in truth.

“For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” 3 John 1:3-4


The doer of the Word, the one walking in the truth, is the one who is blessed – not the one who hears it only but fails to apply it to his/her life. An individual who hears the Word but does not apply it to his life is self-deceived and does not have a prosperous soul.


Take Mark 4:23-24 as an example. It is a parable about the Word being sown into various types of ground (or hearts) and the corresponding fruitfulness of the Word in each type of ground (or heart). If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear; this is spiritual hearing and not physical hearing. Our hearing affects our fruitfulness in the Kingdom. Our spiritual hearing affects the type of ground that our heart becomes in terms of its receptivity to the Word. We also must take heed of what we hear. The value one places on the Word they are hearing determines what one gets out of it and what kind of ground one’s heart becomes.


They are four types of grounds that I would like us to have a quick look into.

·        Wayward ground is a hard, trampled down, and worn-out path that has no capacity to receive seed. This is mainly caused by valuing another belief system or traditions of men above the Word.

·        Stoney ground represents hearts that place a greater value on feelings, circumstances, and people than the Word of GOD. When adversity comes, they take the path of least resistance and easiest on their personal comfort zone.

·        Thorny ground represents hearts that place a greater value on riches, possessions, and worldly status than on the truth. In this instant, a commitment to serve the LORD is made. Unfortunately, the commitment lasts only if they are benefiting from it, and it flows into their success plan. Bible verses can be quoted, but the life in the Word sown in their hearts is choked off because they are not interested in seeking the Kingdom of GOD first and letting all other things be added to them (Matthew 6:33).

·        Good ground represents the heart that values the truth above every other belief system, his own feelings of what people think, whatever happens in life or how it affects them financially. This person is fruitful; the Word is producing in his life and he is prospering and in health. This person’s soul is prospering because he is walking in the truth; he has not only heard the Word but has put it into practice.


Value the truth and the truth will exalt and promote you.

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“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

Genesis 3:1 (KJV)



Join us at the Mid-Year Conference:

HOLY FIRE! Demonstrating the Gospel

Date: July 8-9 | Via Zoom or In Person (Houston, TX)

Click here for more information.

Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


It is an interesting journey the LORD takes you on when someone asks you to write a blog post. As we have just finished the month labelled “pride month” by the powers that be, it seemed right to address the sin of pride. As you might imagine, as I began praying and writing, I initially thought that I should begin by focusing on the parading peacocky version we typically associate with the sin of pride. But as so often happens when I seek the LORD, HE turned that critical lens right back around and pointed it at me, and HE led me to the Scripture listed above.

Let’s meditate on that for a moment. The subtilty of the serpent. The definition of the word “subtle” is crafty, shrewd, sensible. Sensible? Well, it can seem quite sensible, when we look at others waving flags of pride, to believe that we have escaped that snare and are doing quite alright on that front. But is that really true? Have we escaped the snare of pride?

A very long time ago, I heard someone say that, if you move an inch off center, ten miles down the road, you will find that you have gone way off course. Very reminiscent of the narrow road. That subtle serpent, he comes in quietly, softly, and often whispers in our ears a lie that is just slightly off center from the truth. A lie that implies that you are not like them, the other ones, who are filled with pride.

“Look at you,” he says. “You are a humble, godly servant. You don’t have any pride.” And then you say to yourself, “That feels pretty good! I think I am doing ok on that front!”

And…boom! Gotcha! The devil has placed your foot in the snare of pride. However, we thank GOD for HIS WORD of TRUTH, that double-edged Sword that pierces us and discerns the thoughts and intents of our hearts. It is a vital component of the battle for the mind, and we must constantly renew our minds with GOD’s precious WORD. It is our plumbline, our safety rail, and it cuts us where we need to be cut in order to stay on the straight and narrow path. It may hurt to see our sin laid bare, but it leads us to godly repentance and gives us compassion for the rest of humanity, understanding that we, too, are sinners undergoing the lifelong process of sanctification.

I confess to you that I have fallen into the sin of pride in the month of ‘pride.’ Have you? Will you please join me in testing your heart for pride against the plumbline of Scripture today? I will leave you with a few Scriptures to begin, but I pray that you will go deeper this week, as we continue learning how to walk ever more humbly with our GOD.

“Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.” Proverbs 26:12 (ESV)

“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.” James 1:26 (ESV)

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8 (ESV)

“He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: 10 ‘Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: “God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.” 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.’” Luke 18:9-14 (ESV)


Father GOD, search our hearts and expose to us our sins. Help us to walk humbly before YOU and before men, esteeming others to be more valuable than ourselves. Thank YOU, LORD, for YOUR mercy to us. Please forgive our sin of pride. We pray that same mercy for those who don’t know YOU, LORD. Please bring them into your fold. In JESUS’ mighty Name we pray. Amen.

GOD bless you all!

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Join us at the Mid-Year Conference:

HOLY FIRE! Demonstrating the Gospel

Date: July 8-9 | Via Zoom or In Person (Houston, TX)

Click here for more information.

Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


Over the past few days, the HOLY SPIRIT has glued the pages of my Bible to Matthew 5, specifically verses 10-12. As a prophet, or at least a prophetic person, I know exactly what that means. JESUS wants to get my attention. Even I figured that out…shocking, I know.


“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12


It’s interesting that only the poor in spirit (spiritually poor, destitute, Matthew 5:3) and the persecuted (pursued, troubled, chased for the sake of the Gospel, Matthew 5:10) inherit the KINGdom of Heaven according to the Beatitudes. “Beatitude” means the blessedness, benediction, grace, bliss, ecstasy… basically, the blessings (benefits) that come with a specific type of heart posture and behavior.


When we put this together, the sentence paints a compelling picture of what the LORD, through HIS HOLY SPIRIT, is warning us that we are going into. Blessed are the spiritually poor and destitute, and those who are pursued, troubled, chased, for the sake of CHRIST, for theirs is the realm of power, happiness, eternity, and the Gospel.


In Part One of this article, we talked about how we as the LORD’s sidekicks are to keep our hearts, minds, and hands pure even in the face of persecution. Matthew 5 has a lot to say about our role in this.


I pray the LORD will put us into the right frame of reference, such that we do not play into satan’s hands by responding in a way that prevents GOD from playing HIS role as the AVENGER.


Let’s look at Matthew 5:38-42, specifically, verse 39.


“But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” Matthew 5:39


Notice here, the Scripture said not to resist an evil person, as opposed to evil spirits. The Bible calls those who do evil, who go around seeking ways to align themselves with their father, satan, wicked. The anger and vengeance of the LORD is already against them. We see many Scriptures of how the LORD deals with the wicked. Therefore, those who are wicked (witches, warlocks, sorcerers, diviners, and all who agree with them) – the judgement of GOD is already upon them. Simply agree with Scripture concerning them, and bind, break agreements in the spirit realm.


As for our persecutors, those who in the physical may slap us, sue us, take our cloak, hate us – JESUS said to love them, to pray for them and do good (as lead by HOLY SPIRIT) to them. Those are physical realm level afflictions. They are being manipulated by the spirits behind them. This is why we wrestle not against flesh and blood; there is no point in wrestling with human beings. The causal realm is the spirit realm. Therefore:


“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5:44-45


Blessing those who curse you is a warfare secret. To do this, we first cancel any curse in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, then we speak blessing into the areas where curses once were. When we bless, we reverse curses by saying the opposite of what was already said. Praying for those who persecute us is hard. Nevertheless, we must learn to forgive quickly, and pray for their salvation. This is critical to understand that operating in this level of love is seen as a sacrifice in the spirit realm. Therefore, it gives JESUS the room to do miraculous work in that situation and territory.

In Part One, we touched on the fact that the LORD JESUS CHRIST, COMMANDER of the HOSTS of HEAVEN, is the true AVENGER. HE is not slow to accomplish HIS will and purpose on the earth, and HE sees the suffering of HIS people. HE also avenges us; therefore, we do not have to take matters into our own hands.


We also talked about what we, HIS sidekicks are to do: feed our enemies when they are hungry. This is a prophetic act that releases the judgment of YAHWEH on them. But there is more. Let’s dive deeper into the reward we receive for being persecuted and responding the right way.


Notice the KINGdom of Heaven is inherited by those who are persecuted. What does that mean? JESUS said, “If I cast out demons by the Finger of GOD, surely the KINGdom of GOD has come upon you” (Luke 11:20). Oh, ok…interesting.


GOD’s response to persecution is making the KINGdom of GOD more accessible here on earth. Take a look at the lives of the apostles and the early CHRISTians. They were mistreated, thrown out of cities, thrown in prison, left for dead, fed to lions in Nero’s coliseums beginning in AD64, hunted by Rome, hated by idol worshipers worldwide. What was GOD’s response?

More KINGdom:


No wonder the CHRISTians were described as martyrs (witnesses) for CHRIST. No wonder CHRISTianity spread like wildfire across the known world and has not died off today.


The LORD keeps warning HIS Remnant that persecution is going to intensify. HE wants us to knowhow HE will respond, and how we should respond. In our Western world today, CHRISTians will be blamed for intolerance, taking away a woman’s reproductive rights (abortion), hate speech, and anything else the cultures of this world will throw at us. Our offices, churches, and businesses will be targeted; ourchildren vilified in schools. The enemy will do all he can to silence our voices, but he will fail.


That defeated foe continues to fail in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and South America, even in the Arab world, where CHRISTianity continues to spread, even while CHRISTians are paying for their faith in blood.


We choose to inherit the KINGdom of GOD on earth. We choose to demonstrate CHRIST. We will not back down in the face of persecution. The AVENGER will avenge us.


In JESUS Name, Amen!

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Join us at the Mid-Year Conference:

HOLY FIRE! Demonstrating the Gospel

Date: July 8-9 | Via Zoom or In Person (Houston, TX)

Click here for more information.

Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


Like many of you, I’ve heard that GOD is love (1 John 4:8). But that’s only part of that verse, and it is only one characteristic of our HOLY GOD. Thankfully, our HOLY GOD is so much more!


Since our Western religious glasses have only colored us love-crazy, this article may be eye opening at best, controversial at worst. So, I apologize ahead of time. We don’t live in a rose-colored world, so it’s time to see GOD for who HE really is. 


There are more names and Scriptures in the Bible that describe HOLY GOD’s character as JUDGE, JUSTICE, EQUITY, WARRIOR, KING, LORD, CREATOR, MASTER, HUSBAND, FRIEND, etc., than the part of one line that says GOD is Love. Because many members of the Body actually do not read the Bible, it was easy to mix this demonic deception into the “tolerance and cheap grace” messages of weak, fame-hungry ministers. To push the envelope even further, the message of today’s “church” is now based on simple math. 


If God is love, then love must be god. 

God = love; then love = god…


This is demonic. Reject it whenever you hear it. 


Let’s deal with vengeance. GOD is Vengeance. The ultimate AVENGER. Hallelujah! 


“‘See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand. if I sharpen my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance on my adversaries and will repay those who hate me.’” Deuteronomy 32:39,41 ESV


Yep, that’s in the same Bible as “GOD is love.” 


Or how about this one? It’s one of my favorites. 


“For thus says the Lord: ‘Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children. I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine. Then all flesh shall know that I am the Lord your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.’” Isaiah 49:25-26 ESV


Same Bible. Here’s one from the New Testament. JESUS said this! 


“And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” Matthew 18:34-35 ESV


Ouch! Spiritual and/or physical jail doesn’t sound good. 


So what is our role as HIS sidekicks?


“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ To the contrary, ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.’”

Romans 12:19-20 ESV

The LORD wants us to learn this warrior secret. Give food to your enemies. Not money, clothing, books, shoes, lodging. These create unholy agreements. The Bible shows us that people are bought and sold for money, clothes are given to those who are naked, shoes represent destinies, and lodging is for a friend or countryman. Food and drink are for everyone. 


In the spirit realm, feeding our persecutors translates to coals that are burning. As in, the fiery vengeance of GOD is applied in the physical realm by this prophetic act of kindness. 


HE also wants us to forgive our persecutors and pray for them, such that we can inherit the KINGdom of heaven (Matthew 5:10-12). Do good (as lead by HOLY SPIRIT) to those who spitefully use us. Another warrior key. 


But that’s it! The key here is that the LORD wants our hearts to stay clean, our minds to stay wise, our mouths to pray all the Scriptures. 


Expect vindication from the true AVENGER. Those areas where satan and his agents have wronged the GOD news of JESUS CHRIST and the Body will be avenged. HIS vengeance is already at work.

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“God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence.” (TPT)

“How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of Heaven’s Armies.” (NLT)

Psalm 84:1



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HOLY FIRE! Demonstrating the Gospel

Date: July 8-9 | Via Zoom or In Person (Houston, TX)

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Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


The original Hebrew of the verse above states, “how amiable are thy tabernacles.” Amiable means “beloved or lovely,” and tabernacle means “dwelling place.”


“Look! GOD’s tabernacle is with human beings. And from now on HE will tabernacle with them as their GOD. Now GOD himself will have HIS home with them—‘GOD-with-them’ will be their GOD.” Revelation 21:3 (TPT)


Are you getting a sense of this picture yet? Is the HOLY SPIRIT weaving this together for you, daughter/son of Zion? You ARE THE beautiful dwelling place of the MOST HIGH!


The dwelling place or tabernacle of the LORD is US! GOD says HE finds SO much beauty in you. You are beloved, you are CAPABLE to house HIS Presence!


GOD chose us to be His dwelling place; nothing else is allowed inside. We are HIS; HE claims ownership. HE is THAT very possessive LOVER!


When we do let HIM take over, HE breaks things. Remember JESUS with the whip? Yes, our LORD is very, very possessive. HE does not share HIS love with others. HIS Presence wants ALL OF ME. (I apologize if this seems violent to some. Forgive me.) Even when JESUS went into the temple with the whip, people did not understand HIM; they said HE was crazy. They asked HIM who gave HIM the right? Go back and read that chapter. HE was VERY angry (John 2:14-17).


“Deep within me are these lovesick longings, desires, and daydreams of living in union with you. When I’m near you my heart and my soul will sing and worship with my joyful songs of you, my true source and spring of life!” Psalm 84:2 (TPT)

If I am the dwelling place of the LORD, if the Presence of YESHUA dwells within me, then Psalm84:2 makes sense. This also concerns me. Ask yourself, truthfully, deep within you, are there lovesick longings, desires, or daydreams of being with the LORD?I asked myself that question. I would be honest to say sometimes I do have those desires and sometimes I don’t.



LORD, I am YOUR dwelling place. Forgive me for allowing other things to take up space. As the Psalm says, deep within me should be lovesick longings, desires, and daydreams of being with you. LORD, take ownership of this dwelling place. YOU are the landlord. Take over every inch of this space. In JESUS' Name. Amen!

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“For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. 16 For by fire will the Lord enter into judgment, and by his sword, with all flesh; and those slain by the Lord shall be many.”

Isaiah 66:15-16 (ESV)



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


A distinction has been made. A distinction between the holy and the profane. A distinction between the common and the sanctified. A distinction between those who have been marked by the FATHER and those who have rebelled and set up idols of worship in the holy place.


Yes, a distinction has been made. It is a distinction of holiness. Those who have been purified by the Fire of the HOLY SPIRIT shall stand. But those who continue in their rebellion shall face judgement.


We hear “judgment” all around, every single day. Food disappearing on the shelves (aka famine). Gas prices increasing daily. New strains of plagues surfacing.


Yes, a distinction has been made.


“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.” Hebrews 10:39 (ESV)


There are two sides:

  • Those who “shrink back and are destroyed”
  • Those who “have faith and preserve their souls”


A line has been drawn, and there is no middle ground. Where do you stand?


Are you “of those who shrink back and are destroyed?” If so, today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Repent and turn to GOD, that your sins may be forgiven (Acts 3:19-20).


Or are you “of those who have faith and preserve their souls?” If so, then may your faith be activated to bring transformation to the souls of those who are perishing in the world around you. For faith without works is dead. And why has the FATHER empowered us with HIS HOLY SPIRIT, except to be HIS witnesses to those around us (Acts 1:8)?


This is more than mere talk. This is practical application in our daily lives. Clothe the naked. Feed the hungry. House the homeless. Visit the prisoner. Help the orphan and widow in their distress. Heal the sick. Open blind eyes. Do what JESUS did while HE was here on earth. Come out of your comfort zone to make a difference!

There are people all around who are dying. There are people all around who are hopeless. There are people all around who need JESUS. And we have the Answer.


Yes, a distinction has been made. May we, the Ekklesia, be ready for HIS soon coming and take as many others with us as possible.


“But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, 21 and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love. 22 And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. 23 Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.” Jude 1:20-23 (NLT)

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“And Isaiah said to them, ‘Thus you shall say to your master, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me. Surely I will send a spirit upon him, and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.’ ” ’ ”

Isaiah 37:6-7



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)



The job of the prophets of YAHWEH (GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) is not only to tell people what GOD is saying or doing presently, what HE plans to do in the future, and intercede(mediate) on behalf of man to GOD, but also to teach people how to approach and hear GOD themselves.


Twenty-one years ago, on September 11, 2001, I awoke one morning, and I simply did not feel like going to work. That was common for me most mornings, but this time around, my husband and my baby girl didn’t want me to go. So, I called and took off from work.


Three hours later, planes were crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. If I had gone to work, I may not be here today.


When Assyria came to attack Israel during the reign of King Hezekiah, the king knew he was overwhelmed militarily, and their ally, Egypt, couldn’t help them. Other nations had fallen by the Assyrian sword, and there was no hope in sight. Human hands couldn’t save Israel. So, the king sent his closest trusted advisors to the prophet of GOD, Isaiah.


Isaiah responded with the WORD of the LORD in Isaiah 37:6-7.


Sure enough, the Rabshakeh (cupbearer, royal prince) who came to attack Israel on behalf of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, heard a rumor and he indeed began to pack up camp and leave. But he made a fatal mistake. Rather than leave quietly, he wrote a letter!


Here is where it gets good. Hezekiah had learned from his last encounter with GOD and Isaiah. This time around, rather than send his advisors to the prophet with the letter, Hezekiah took the letter to the temple of GOD himself, spread it before the LORD, and prayed (Isaiah 37:14)!


Hezie [cooler name for Hezekiah] was like… “GOD, that Rabshakeh dude wrote US a letter. How would YOU like to respond? Cause I have no words, no power, no nothing! In addition, I saw what YOU did the last time, and I couldn’t have done it better. So, what’s up… what would YOU, oh GREAT ONE, like to do?” Isaiah 37:16-20 New Temi Bible Version.


Because GOD invented “cool,” HE responded to Hezie by sending the prophet.


Quick digression: Note the role of prophet here. Isaiah was going between Hezie and GOD, and then GOD and Hezie. Isaiah was not the answer; he was just the mailman carrying the responses between the two parties. Don’t worship people because of their functions! The same HOLY SPIRIT in the prophet is also in you. We work together to do HIS will.


The LORD GOD responded by commending Hezie for coming to HIM directly with the letter, and then sent one destroyer angel and killed 185,000 people in one night. Sounds like Exodus 12:29-30 all over again.



What do we learn from this?


In the season where GOD’s justice and judgement is on display all over the world, it is critical to knowhow to hear GOD for yourself. YAHWEH is waiting for you to pray (talk) to HIM such that HE can respond.


In less than two months, America has experienced an increase in homegrown terrorism. COVID-19 numbers are going up again. Now there is a new version of an old virus, monkeypox, coming back on the scene.


How do we keep our kids safe from school shootings, miss the train with the mass shooter, or not visit the grocery store when the racist with a semi-automatic weapon is on the rampage?


Develop a daily relationship with Hezie’s GOD, so HE can warn you ahead of time, like HE warned me 21 years ago, and every day since then.


Connect with us, and we will teach you how.

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