hands and feet Blog


“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” 1 Timothy 4:1



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


It’s that time of year again. The time when evil is celebrated under the guise of “innocent” costumes and games and carved pumpkins. The time when many churches offer an alternative and label it a “Harvest Party.” Parents dress their children up as witches, sorcerers, and murderers, thinking it is harmless. Then they wonder why their children grow up to be deviants, rebellious to authority in school, at home, in society.

These same “innocent” costumes, games, carved pumpkins, and harvest parties are actually paying homage to evil spirits and false gods.

For instance:

• Did you know that the original Halloween started as harvest parties in which evil spirits were celebrated, summoned, and honored?

• Did you know that the game of bobbing for apples was used in a celebration of a false god, and began with the belief that the single woman who won the game would magically get married first?

• Did you know that, as a celebration of the day of the dead, carved pumpkins were used to summon the spirits of dead loved ones?

The deception goes deep. But once we have been exposed to the truth, deception becomes conscious choice. Are we willing to trade the sanctity of our lives, our homes, our children’s lives, in the name of fun and candy? Or maybe its because we don’t believe that we are really celebrating evil when we participate in these activities and teach our children to do the same? When parents dress up as "harmless" people worshipping demons, what do they expect the demons to do? Just visit one day a week? The Spirit realm does not work that way. Spirits don't visit. They stay.

What do you want staying in your home? That is what you agree with. That is what should be promoted.

Take some time to watch this video exposing the truth about the origins of Halloween and the true meanings of its various symbols.

Prayer: LORD, please forgive us, YOUR Body, for participating in the doctrine of demons. We repent. Give us YOUR wisdom in how to reach those who are lost and bound to deception. In JESUS’ Name we pray. Amen.

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“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to GOD because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”

Romans 12:1 NLT (New Living Translation)

“Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? To surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.”

Romans 12:1 TPT (The Passion Translation)



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


When I read this verse (which I have read so many times) I got struck with the part of the verse that states we should give our bodies as “a living and holy sacrifice,” or, as The Passion Translation puts it, “sacred, living sacrifices.” So, I went digging.

First, this verse says we should give our bodies; the King James Version (KJV) says to present our bodies. We are the ones bringing our bodies. We are stepping forward to the FATHER, offering our bodies. We are making that decision; it is on me, not on anyone, but on me.

Second, does the LORD mean our physical bodies or our spiritual bodies? Saints, the translation here is physical body! Your physical body, my physical body.

Third, living. GOD does not want a sacrificial offering that is dead. Even the animals that were brought to the temple were alive.

Fourth, holy. We need to be a sacrifice that is without blemish. Sacred.

Fifth, sacrifice. We are to be an offering.

Saints, try to wrap your minds around this. My physical body needs to be offered to GOD…. Let's talk about FIRE!! We are alive but should always be burning. We don’t want a strange fire burning us but the FIRE of Holy Spirit.

Another thing about being living sacrifices is that we have the ability to say, “No more burning.” As opposed to regular sacrifices that are killed and then burned, we are burned ALIVE! We can also crawl off the altar if we feel the heat is too intense.

The LORD is interested in our choice. Do we choose to stay even if it costs us all, or do we choose to go back to being comfortable?


Here is my body, LORD. It is cleansed in the Blood of JESUS. Burn my body, FIRE of GOD. Burn me of fleshly desires. I want the flames from HOLY SPIRIT, not strange fire. Amen.

The second part of this verse says that this should be a sacrifice the LORD finds pleasing.  “A sacrifice the LORD finds pleasing” took me to Genesis 8:21.

“And the LORD was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice and said to himself, ‘I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things.’” Genesis 8:21 NLT

The LORD was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice. The smell of the sacrifice was so good that GOD made a promise. When GOD smells our sacrifice, what does HE say to HIMSELF?

Do you know JESUS loves smells?

“The king is lying on his couch, enchanted by the fragrance of my perfume.” Song of Solomon 1:12 NLT

This is why GOD was able to make such a promise to Noah after the flood.  The LORD was enchanted by the smell of the sacrifice; the Hebrew Bible says it was a soothing aroma.


May our sacrifices enchant JEHOVAH, and may these sacrifices move HIM to make promises to HIMSELF on our behalf, in JESUS’ Name. May our sacrifices produce a soothing aroma to the nostrils of YAHWEH. Amen!

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“But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


Integrity. Not a popular word these days, even in the church. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “integrity” has three components: incorruptibility, soundness, and completeness.


Let’s look at each of these a bit closer.

  1. Incorruptibility. This characteristic is described by Merriam-Webster as “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.” It is further defined as “incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted.” This, I believe, is the definition that most of us think about when we consider the meaning of integrity. It is the person who holds so firmly to their moral values that they will not even consider the mention of a bribe to cause them to stray by the minutest detail.
  2. Soundness. This second component is described by Merriam-Webster as “an unimpaired condition” of being strong, firm, and stable. For instance, a building with structural integrity will be able to stand under its intended load without failing or fracturing. Similarly, the person with integrity does not fail or fracture even when the tough times come. He is solid, firm, reliable, and will not cave in under pressure.
  3. Completeness. This third component is described by Merriam-Webster as “the quality or state of being complete or undivided.” The person with integrity will be undivided in motive, thought, and action. Basically, what you see is what you get. Their actions match their words, which in turn match their inner motivation. They are true through and through.

    A simple Google search describes the characteristics of the person who exhibits a lack of integrity, some of which are:

    - One who makes decisions based on how it will make them look…basically, it’s all about themselves
    - One who is perfectly happy to let others take the fall for their mistakes.
    - One who is not sensitive to how they negatively influence others and will rarely apologize for the problems they create.
    - One whose self-esteem is based on the opinion of others.
    - One who is hiding behind a mask and keeping secrets.
    - One who doesn’t keep promises.
    - One who makes too many compromises.


I asked the HOLY SPIRIT why HE would have me turn to secular sources for a discourse on integrity. HIS response was two-fold. First, to educate and inform those who are more intellectually minded. Second, to show HIS children that, if even the world knows the importance of integrity, how much more should those of us who belong to HIS family?

Personal application.

So often, we hear of a minister of the Gospel who has had a moral failure. But how many times do we look inward to consider whether or not we are exemplifying integrity in our daily lives and decisions?

Growing up in a pastor’s household, I would often hear my parents’ definition of integrity: being the same person behind the scenes when no one is watching that you are in front of everyone. All too often, church folk hide behind a mask. We place on a façade of religious morals, but then go around gossiping (both spreading and listening to gossip) …or yelling at our spouses as soon as we get in the car from church…or watch a video on our phone that is pornographic in nature…or cheat on financial numbers. And we have everyone fooled except GOD.

Let’s take this a step further. The WORD of GOD says to let our “yes” be “yes” and our “no,” “no.” Anything else is evil! Our integrity is displayed even in how careful we are in keeping our word. We are held to a higher standard than the world. Those in the five-fold ministry are held to an even higher standard. And the LORD is calling us back to a place of integrity.

While we are used to hearing about the lack of integrity in moral failures, we must represent our LORD even, and especially, in our everyday lives.

For example, our decisions. Is your “yes” truly “yes” or your “no, no” in the decisions that you make? Recently, a woman who is prophetic had an opportunity before her. She prayed and felt the HOLY SPIRIT leading her to take the opportunity. Others who are godly confirmed this decision, so she went ahead and said “yes.” However, after about a week, she began to back out, saying that the LORD was leading her a different direction. Is this integrity? The LORD does not change HIS mind. Either she did not obey when she initially said “yes,” or she disobeyed when she backed out. Either way, she was inconsistent and unreliable. About a month later, her true motives were exposed. Since prophets use their mouths to speak forth the Word of the LORD, there MUST be a foundational core built on integrity!!! For by our words we are justified, and by them we are condemned (Matthew 12:37).

What is the HOLY SPIRIT speaking to you about integrity? What area of your life has cracks in it, lacking the structural integrity needed to face the storms of life? What activity or feeling are you hiding behind closed doors?

Determine today to become a man or woman of integrity, doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

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O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Psalm 34:8 (KJV)



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


Today, many Christians subscribing to a hyper-grace message found within the doctrine of demons want to taste only certain aspects of the LORD working in their lives – where trust has become dependent on blessing and not blessing being dependent upon trust.

Selective tasting can lead to spiritual malnutrition and decay of your soul as one becomes dependent on a single attribute of the working of the HOLY SPIRIT, when HE has prepared a full-course meal for us to dine in HIM.

HE gives us a variety of spiritual vegetables, fish and meats with different textures, including bones and fat, that HE teaches us how to embrace the flavor and associative nutrients of that combination.

In Romans 5, my biblical hero outside of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the apostle Paul, so eloquently brought clarity and depth to what David wrote in Psalms.

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:1-5

I encourage you, as well as myself, to taste the fullness of GOD. Look for HIS presence in the difficulty, find and taste the sweetness when something is bitter. Trust in HIM, believe in HIM and hope in HIM, regardless of what has been served.

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Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


First, I would like to say a big, “Thank YOU,” to the LORD JESUS CHRIST for taking us to Canada safely, giving us the privilege of delivering HIS WORD, proving HIS WORD with miracles, signs, and wonders, and then bringing us back home to our families. And thank you to our sisters who went with us. 


None of this would be possible without your generous prayers and fasting. Yes! In this work of the LORD, we value investments in the HOLY SPIRIT more than anything else. From those spirit realm investments come the determination, power, fortitude, and resources to do the work of the LORD in this generation. 


Therefore, please consider listening and worshiping to this song along with me, in thanksgiving unto the only WORTHY ONE. 

As we drove home on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, my husband, Dr. Lonnie, had a vision. In this vision, HOLY SPIRIT showed him two of our cousins working three greenhouses. They were growing food to give out to those who were affected by the famine. They gave the food out for free to all in need from the greenhouses in our cousins’ backyard.

When he told one of the cousins of his vision, there was instant confirmation. The cousin had been thinking of getting a greenhouse just this weekend. Hallelujah!

“Then He said, ‘Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.’” Numbers 12:6

Why am I sharing this? 

Yes, this vision had a direct meaning for our dear cousins. But it has a broader meaning to the Body of CHRIST. 

Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the Jewish New Year, specifically year 5783. It literally means “head of the year.” In the Bible, the holiday is called Yom Teruah, meaning “day of shouting or blasting,” and it is the beginning of the 10 Days of Awe (High Holy Days), see Leviticus 23:22-44. On the first day, the LORD commanded the blowing of the shofar, aka trumpet. I highly encourage you to read this.

The blowing of trumpet in the spirit represents the release of announcements, decrees, judgments, and revelations to mankind.

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.’” Revelation‬ ‭4:1‬‬‬

“Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.Revelation‬ ‭8:5-6‬‬‬

Why is this important? Good question.

Now that we know what trumpets symbolize in the spirit, let’s make the physical connection. Those trumpet blasts are translated into visions, dreams, visions, judgement, in the physical. Pay attention! In this season, pay attention to these announcements from Throne Room.

It’s so interesting that GOD commanded the blowing of trumpets in agreement to what is happening in the heavens at the changing of seasons, years, times. Wow. That’s deep. May HOLY SPIRIT pause us there and take inventory. Ask yourself, “What season am I in? Did I hear the trumpet sound of my transition?”

The decree of this season

The decree for this season is this: Famine is coming. The cousin the LORD showed in the announcement from Throne Room has a “green thumb.” He can grow anything, in any soil.

The LORD is calling those HE has anointed with the Grace to harness the power of the soil (land) to produce fruit into HIS service. In this season, your service is needed. Begin to prepare. Famine is coming.

The LORD is calling the Josephs who know how to manage the grain of Egypt into service, because famine is coming.

The LORD is sounding the trumpet and we are picking up trumpet frequency through visions and dreams.

WeRemnant, the season of famine is coming. Ask the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to show you how to prepare and what role HE has called you to play in this season.

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“When Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand. When the native people saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, ‘No doubt this man is a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.’ He, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm. They were waiting for him to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But when they had waited a long time and saw no misfortune come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.” Acts 28:3-6



Join us at HOLY FIRE!

Intimate Fellowship with HOLY SPIRIT & Each Other

Date: September 24-25 | Via Zoom or In Person (Winnipeg, Canada)

Click here for more information.

Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


My brother is a teacher. The students loved the miniature zoo that was once in his classroom. One day while teaching, he was quickly summoned to the office via the school intercom. He hurried to the office, only to find horrified secretaries in a stand-off with a black rat snake. Apparently, it had escaped from its cage in the classroom zoo and slithered down several floors until it reached the office. Thankfully, this was not a poisonous snake, but terrifying nonetheless.


Today, we are in the HOLY SPIRIT’s classroom, and HE is teaching us about snakes.


The Bible exposes many traits of snakes. Pay careful attention, as these traits assist in teaching us to identify the snake among us.

1.   The snake is crafty and deceptive. It attains its goal by indirect and deceptive means. It is manipulative and sneaky.


“Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.” Genesis 3:1a ESV


“But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die.’” Genesis 3:4 ESV


2.   The snake strikes the heel, and its bite is filled with poison. Pay attention and always be on your guard! It will strike when you least expect it. It comes in quietly, almost unnoticed, and begins to tempt us; little by little it speaks to our fleshly desires. And before we know it, the snake strikes, we give into temptation, and down we go! When it strikes, we are filled with deadly poison – and it affects every aspect of our lives. The things done in secret are exposed and laid bare.


“He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15b NLT


“For in the end it bites like a poisonous snake; it stings like a viper.” Proverbs 23:32 NLT


3.   The snake is evil and produces evil. It may be difficult to discern at first, as, remember, snakes are crafty and deceptive. It may appear to be good, helpful, considerate, etc. But it is harboring evil intent and malicious behavior in its heart. In the end, it will be exposed for its true evil nature.


“You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.” Matthew 12:34-35 NLT


4.   The snake reproduces. Not only does it reproduce…but its offspring are even more evil and poisonous! It must be eradicated such that it will not even have the opportunity to reproduce.


“For from that snake a more poisonous snake will be born, a fiery serpent to destroy you!” Isaiah 14:29b NLT


5.   The snake is your enemy. It may look like your friend and may act like your friend at first. But don’t be deceived – it is most assuredly your enemy.


“And I will make enemies Of you and the woman, And of your offspring and her Descendant” Genesis 3:15a NASB2020


The Word of GOD has taught us how to recognize snakes: it is crafty and deceptive; it strikes the heel, and its bite is poisonous; it is evil and reproduces evil. It is your enemy. Now, once we have identified the snake, what do we do? How do we protect ourselves? How do we eradicate the snake?


1.   Trust GOD’s wisdom and discretion. When you hear HIS voice or sense an admonition in your spirit, listen closely and pay attention! Since the snake is crafty and deceptive, we absolutely must have an intimate relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT, such that we will hear HIS voice, heed HIS instruction, and obey HIS Word…even when everything around you seems contrary!


“…discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you, 12 delivering you from the way of evil, from men of perverted speech, 13 who forsake the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, 14 who rejoice in doing evil and delight in the perverseness of evil, 15 men whose paths are crooked, and who are devious in their ways.” Proverbs 2:11-15 ESV


2.   Trust GOD’s power and authority working through you. HE has given you the power and the authority to eradicate the enemy, which you must utilize to be effective for HIS glory.


“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10:18 ESV


3.   Trust GOD’s Fire. Take a look at the following passage:


“When Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand. When the native people saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, ‘No doubt this man is a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.’ He, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.” Acts 28:3-5 ESV


The “bundle of sticks” here represents us as children of GOD. Notice that the snake was among the sticks, but it was driven out because of the HEAT OF THE FIRE! The closer we come to the Fire of GOD, the more easily the snakes will be exposed, driven out and eradicated!


Now, here’s the catch – the snake may even be within you! What are you harboring that is deceptive, poisonous, and evil? What have you been holding onto, that you know it’s time to give up? The closer you come to the Fire of GOD, that snake has got to go! The Fire of GOD exposes. The Fire of GOD purifies. The Fire of GOD eradicates!


When the snake was driven out by the heat, it latched onto the closest thing around. Snakes do not like the heat. They do not like to be driven out. Trust me when I tell you – they will strike! They will not go without a fight. BUT GOD! Because of the power and authority of GOD, because of HIS assignment within us, the poisonous venom of the snake shall be of no effect.


Notice also that the Fire killed the snake. If Paul had shaken the snake to the ground, it would have lived and reproduced. The snake MUST be put into the Fire.


Brothers and sisters, it is time.


It is time for the snake among and within us to be exposed and eradicated.


Do not allow the snake to persist in your life. Do not give it habitation. It must be put into the Fire of the Living GOD and burned.


It is crafty and deceptive. It must be put into the Fire of the Living GOD.


It is evil and reproduces evil. It must be put into the Fire of the Living GOD.


It is time to expose and eradicate the snake among us…and the snake within us. In JESUS’ Name. Amen.

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“You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one. You do not want a burnt offering. 17The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.” Psalm 51:16-17 (NLT)



Join us at HOLY FIRE!

Intimate Fellowship with HOLY SPIRIT & Each Other

Date: September 24-25 | Via Zoom or In Person (Winnipeg, Canada)

Click here for more information.

Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


Any person in the Old Testament who brought an animal as a burnt offering to the Temple knew they needed to make themselves right with GOD. They had sinned and did not want to be judged by YAHWEH. Meanwhile, YAHWEH hoped that the people would understand that bringing the sacrifice was HIS way of trying to build a relationship with HIS people. HE wanted to see a heart/spirit broken that needed repair. HE hoped every time a person came with their burnt offering, that they were coming with a repentant heart. YAHWEH HIMSELF wanted very badly to repair the relationship between people and HIM.

The Altar of Burnt Offering showed that death was necessary for the forgiveness of sin. The death of the sacrifice brought loss to the sacrifice, loss of life, loss of will (broken spirit), and loss of blood.


“If the animal you present as a burnt offering is from the herd, it must be a male with no defects. Bring it to the entrance of the Tabernacle so you may be accepted by the LORD.Leviticus 1:3 (NLT)

The location of the Altar of Burnt Offering was outside the inner courts of the Tabernacle. It was in the courtyard, the only place the average Israelite could stand and be accepted by the LORD.

YAHWEH wants YOUR sacrifice to be brought to the entrance of the Tabernacle…so you may be accepted by the LORD. The LORD is saying, “Come, come to ME so you may be accepted.”

A sacrifice had to come in through the door/gate/entrance. JESUS is that door, that entrance; it is only through JESUS that the LORD would accept ANY sacrifice.

JESUS died outside of the Tabernacle. HE died for all to see. The people saw the loss of life, will, and loss of blood. BLOOD.


“Then slaughter the young bull in the Lord’s presence, and Aaron’s sons, the priests, will present the animal’s blood by splattering it against all sides of the altar that stands at the entrance to the Tabernacle.” Leviticus 1:5 (NLT)

The blood was sprinkled along all the sides of the altar. YAHWEH had to see the blood. The Blood of Sprinkling is forgiveness.

“You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel.” Hebrews 12:24 (NLT)

Without the presence of blood, the sacrifice was very incomplete and in violation of the rules which JEHOVAH set in place. There had to be so much blood on the sides of the altar because the blood of the animals only gave temporary right standing with the FATHER. Over and over again, the priest had to sprinkle the blood, which only calmed the FATHER down. The blood of the animal kept HIM from ending it all with Israel. HE was waiting for the moment when HIS SON would get it right one time and be done! Hallelujah!!!


The Fire was started by GOD HIMSELF.

“Fire blazed forth from the LORD’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar.” Leviticus 9:24a

According to Leviticus 6:8-13, the fire was never to go out. The LORD mentioned this statement three times within these five verses.

“Burnt offering” in Hebrew is “olah,” which literally means “to go up.” Sweet smelling aroma went up the nostrils of the LORD. I always feel a rumble in me when I think about this. Whenever the Bible says the sacrifice was a sweet-smelling aroma to the LORD, I just feel like all of GOD vibrates and rumbles...like deep within HIM comes a growl, pleasure. The willingness of HIS children to bring this sacrifice means so much to HIM.

Do you see how important it is for the Fire to stay burning?

We are that sacrifice; we come through the entrance/the door Who is JESUS, which makes us acceptable. The Blood of JESUS is sprinkled all over us and then…wait for it…the FIRE lights us up! The heat is intense, people. And, like YAHWEH said three times, do not let the Fire go out! A significant aspect of the burnt offering was that the whole sacrifice, except for the skin of the animal given to the priest, was entirely consumed in the fire.

Here is one big difference between the sacrifice of the Old Testament and us. The sacrifice they brought died and could not get off the altar. We can.

So, ask yourself, saint: Can you stand the heat?

The constant stoking by the HOLY SPIRIT, the increased heat, the blazing heat. It hurts so bad because it has to burn the entire sacrifice.

Can you stay on the altar, or do you need a break to get off?

May the LORD give us the grace to stay on, grit our teeth and bear the pain. Amen.

I want to hear the LORD rumble when HE smells the sweet-smelling aroma coming from us burning…can you hear HIM?

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“An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you. And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. Nor shall you go up by steps to My altar, that your nakedness may not be exposed on it.’” Exodus 20:24-26 NKJV



Join us at HOLY FIRE!

Intimate Fellowship with HOLY SPIRIT & Each Other

Date: September 24-25 | Via Zoom or In Person (Winnipeg, Canada)

Click here for more information.

Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


WeRemnant is a missions organization; that is our fruit. Our roots are found in the apostolic prophetic prayer, fasting, and obedience lifestyle.


As a prophetic prayer team, we don’t only pray prayers stemming from the natural realm, meaning what we see, feel, touch, etc., or what issues are plaguing us today. We also pray JESUS’ prayers as HE sits at the Right Hand of the FATHER making intercession for us (Romans 8:34). Through connection by HOLY SPIRIT, we simply join HIM. Through our prayers, we provide agreement for HIS Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. 


Hence the topic of this month’s corporate fast: Altars. Every day for the next seven days, we will discuss altars so as to reclaim apostolic knowledge and pray intelligently through HOLY SPIRIT’s help. If you are not part of our mailing list, I encourage you to join us. 

The Law of the Altar 


“An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you. And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. Nor shall you go up by steps to My altar, that your nakedness may not be exposed on it.’” Exodus 20:24-26 NKJV

What is an altar? If you ask my cousin, Google, an altar is a flat surface for sacrifice to deities (gods / spirits). Partially correct. Let’s ask the Holy Bible.

An altar is a place of communication with the spirit realm. It is how any human contacts spirits (good or evil), and makes requests in exchange for something, typically blood, aka life (Leviticus 17:11). It does not have to be life that is alive today; it can be life to be lived in the future. For example, unborn children, or blood, sweat, tears, sorrows, sufferings of generations to come.

Altars have names. The name depends on the type of spirit and requests to be offered there. Throughout the life of Abraham, we see that he named his altars based on the character of GOD that was revealed there and/or the location where they met (see example in Genesis 22:9-14). It’s the same with the demonic realm. The gods they serve have personalities, demand different kinds of sacrifices, and produce different results from their altars.

An altar is also a place where humans receive responses to their approved requests. When Noah built an altar and offered blood (Genesis 8:15-9:7), the result was a reset of the Adamic promises. From the results produced, we can clearly see that Noah’s request was for purpose and next steps, now that the entire world has been destroyed by the flood. It’s natural to ask, “What do I do now, GOD?

Who invented the technology of the altar? GOD. ELOHIM ADONAI, YAHWEH, invented it. HE spoke and it became Spirit Law. From the days of post-garden until now, if you and I want to communicate with a spirit, one must construct an altar.

As CHRISTians, we have an altar as well. The altar of the Cross. This altar was constructed from a tree. At this altar an exchange was made. The just wrath of GOD for our treason (sin) from the days of Adam until today (past, present, future) was poured out on the sacrifice, JESUS. HIS BLOOD was spilled on that altar as a payment forth at exchange. That’s why we pray in JESUS’ Name. 


We are identifying the altar that gives us the right to make a request. When we receive answered prayers (request), we rejoice when we see the results. We also name our altars by the character of GOD demonstrated. For example, the GOD who gave me a wedding day when I thought it would never happen for me, I call HIM the ONE-Who-Answers-My-Unspoken-Prayers. 


Another example, I call HIM the GOD-That-Did-Not-Throw-Me-Away and the GOD-Who-Covers-My-Shame. 


Why? Because I experienced HIM as the ONE who didn’t forget me when others walked away from me. When others laughed at me, HE was there. 


Now that we understand the basics, let’s dive deeper together. 


LORD, open our eyes to see the depth of YOUR WORD and how to apply it in the coming days.

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“So Samuel said: ‘Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word ofthe Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.’ ”1 Samuel 15:22-23



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


I was asked to write a blog a month ago. My first inclination, as it is to most things, was to say, “No.” So I said, “No.” I gave all the typical excuses. Yesterday and today, the same verses came to me: Samuel speaking with Saul after Saul partially obeyed (aka disobeyed) GOD. Then this morning, the story of Gideon came vividly to my heart…the story of how GOD used only 300 people to save the entire nation of Israel.


This is the instruction that GOD gave Saul:


“Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, oxand sheep, camel and donkey.” 1 Samuel 15:3


This is what Saul did:


“But Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was good, and were unwilling to utterly destroy them. But everything despised and worthless, that they utterly destroyed. ” 1 Samuel 15:9


This was GOD’s response:


“So Samuel said: ‘Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.’ ” 1 Samuel 15:22-23


May GOD not reject us, HIS chosen. Saul blamed the children of Israel for his disobedience. He did not take responsibility for what GOD told him to do and so he lost his position of kingship before GOD.


Gideon had a similar story. While he was small in his own eyes, GOD chose him to lead the people to battle against those who were oppressing GOD’s people. In his case, he half-heartedly worshipped GOD before the angel appeared to him, and he tested GOD multiple times (an unwilling participant). Most of us are this way because we are afraid, because of the comfort of sitting on the fence – having a form of godliness but denying (not willing to accept) the power there of.


Though Gideon initially obeyed, he followed GOD’s instructions at night where no one would see him destroy the idols and build a proper altar to GOD. After Gideon accepted, GOD had to prune his companions so that they did not sin by ascribing greatness to themselves instead of ascribing it to GOD. There was a readiness in the 300 men that GOD chose to go with Gideon into battle.


It is the same for us – GOD prunes us for HIS use, and if we listen to HIS Voice, HE places us in the midst of those HE has equipped and is equipping to walk alongside us to bring about HIS good. To our eyes, they may not look or sound right all the time. GOD, however, knows that there is something in them that we need and something in us that they need.

Not only were Gideon’s small army of 300 able to carry their own burden, but they also carried those of the soldiers that were sent away – those that were not ready for the MASTER’s use. GOD brought about HIS victory because of Gideon’s obedience; upon his obedience, GOD had a people prepared whose revelation was based on obedience in order for victory to be sure (see Judges 6 and 7).


My prayer for myself and all of us is that we obey the first time, and then we remain a people prepared for GOD’s use so that we are placed in this army GOD is getting prepared!!

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“Remember how you transplanted us here like a tender vine from Egypt? You cleared the land for your VINEYARD, evicting the nations from your land and planting us here. The roots of your VINEYARD went deep into the soil and filled the land with fruit. Because of your favor on your VINEYARD, blessing extended to every mountain of influence. Through this flourishing vineyard, mighty ones were raised up. The nations were blessed by your fruitful VINEYARD of Israel, all the way from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates.” Psalm 80:8-11(TPT)



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


The dictionary describes a vineyard as a plantation of grape-bearing vines grown mainly for winemaking! Hallelujah! Vineyards produce wine, wine saints! We as believers with the HOLY SPIRIT within are carriers of HIS anointing. The wine of the HOLY SPIRIT fills us up; we are carriers of HIS Wine.  Imagine the sweet Wine of the HOLY SPIRIT swishing all in you. Wine, wine…we, the vineyard of the LORD, produce wine! To see it here is also amazing. The secret mysteries of the LORD are simply amazing.

The above passage of Scripture starts out with the LORD transplanting us (a vine). Remember this verse in Romans 11:17 that states we are grafted into the family of GOD.

“However, some of the branches have been pruned away. And you, who were once nothing more than a wild olive branch, God has grafted in—inserting you among the remaining branches as a joint partner to share in the wonderful richness of the cultivated olive stem.” Romans 11:17

Secondly, the LORD has planted us because HE wants the roots of our vineyard to grow. This part of the verse is no longer referring to a young tender vine, but it means that GOD expects us to multiply and grow. The roots of the vineyard go deep, deep into the soil, causing the vine to bear fruit. Saints, we are to bear fruit and be filled with the fruit of the SPIRIT.

Remember, a vineyard that does not bear fruit is uprooted. We will bear fruit in JESUS’ Name! Another part of this verse that is easy for us to miss is a point that the HOLY SPIRIT had me thinking about all night.  The LORD is the One doing the planting. JESUS is the perfect Gardener who planted the Garden of Eden and came back as a Gardener when HE rose from the dead. HE knows what to do, HE knows what type of irrigation is needed, and how much water and sunlight are needed.

Now take a look at verse 10:

“Because of your favor on your vineyard, blessing extended to every mountain of influence.” Psalm 80:10 TPT

Since we are producing fruit and wine (the vineyard), the favor of the LORD over us will allow blessing onto every mountain of influence. What are the mountains of influence? They are government, education, business, family, religion, media, and arts and entertainment.

Verse 11 further says that nations are blessed by the fruitfulness of the vineyard.

“The nations were blessed by your fruitful vineyard of Israel, all the way from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates.” Psalm 80:11 TPT

Saints, the seven mountains of influence, and the nations await our maturity; they await our fruitfulness! They await the carriers of the anointing of the LORD.

Allow the perfect Gardener-JESUS to come in; let HIM come into the fallow ground. Invite HIM to take off HIS shoes, and let HIS Toes go through the soil. I want JESUS to be free in my garden, in my vineyard. Ask HIM to use HIS rake or whatever tools – I personally think HIS Hands would be the best (but I digress) - to get rid of weeds and pests that attack the vineyard.

JESUS, we ask YOU to move freely through our vineyard, clean the brushes, burn the weeds, and kill off the pests. We are open, LORD. Come in!

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