hands and feet Blog


“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Proverbs 18:21



Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.
Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST) 
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To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


This is a self-reflection blog this week. The title is very deliberate. Do my words betray GOD? 

In a recent meeting, someone echoed advice they’d received from a senior leader that just applies so aptly: "If it feels really good to say, chances are, you shouldn't."

Simple, right? Tell that to Peter.

“And a little later those who stood by came up and said to Peter, ‘Surely you also are one of them, for your speech betrays you.’ 74 Then he began to curse and swear, saying, ‘I do not know the Man!’

Immediately a rooster crowed. 75 And Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.’ So he went out and wept bitterly.”

Matthew 26:73-75

Even in Peter's weakest moments, the mark that HE had been with the ONE was still hearable. 

So back to my original question: Do my words betray CHRIST?

In the middle of a struggle, will I speak JESUS into the situation? Or will I speak my emotional intellect and think I can bring peace with the force of my will?

There is nothing more deadly than a CHRISTian's mouth (see Proverbs 18:21). Hence the reason GOD had to burn Isaiah’s mouth clean before HE could send him – one of the major prophets of the Old Testament – to carry HIS message to nations and the world (see Isaiah 6). 

The devil does not have the power to give life and pronounce death. GOD gave that to HIS children, through the death and resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

Practical tips:

  1. If we (myself included) do not have any life-giving words to speak, simply be quiet. 
  2. Ask the LORD JESUS CHRIST to fill our hearts with love for HIM and for people, because out of our hearts, our mouths speak (see Luke 6:45).
  3. Understand that our words have power, and if we want GOD to give HIS authority to build up and tear down with our declarations, then our mouths have to stay sanitized. Actively begin to practice measuring your words against the WORD of GOD. 


*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version of the Bible.

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“’Thus speaks the LORD of hosts, saying: “This people says, ‘The time has not come, the time that the LORD'S house should be built. 3 Then the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, saying, 4 ’Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, and this temple to lie in ruins?’ 5 Now therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts: ’Consider your ways! 6 You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.’ 7 Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Consider your ways! 8 Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,’ says the LORD.”

Haggai 1:2-8



2021 Prayer Conference
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021  |  Time: 9:30 am-8:30 pm (EST)

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Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.
Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST) 
Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


As the days to the Prayer Conference on June 12 draw nearer and nearer, I wonder what each of us is expecting when the day finally arrives? What is the motive behind our attendance? What is the intent of all our spiritual exercises? Are we finding ourselves in the “hamster-wheel” dilemma of much activity and no progress? Or conversely, have we drifted away?

Haggai Chapter 1 is like a sharp blow of the trumpet: Incline your heart and listen to HIM.

Verse 2:Thus speaks the LORD of hosts, saying: ‘This people says, “The time has not come, the time that the LORD’s house should be built.”'"

Yikes! These people, like so many of us, were comfortable ignoring the state of HIS Bride, the Church of JESUS CHRIST. We convince ourselves that it’s not time to get serious, it’s not time to focus on the Kingdom. We say, “let me concentrate on my husband and children first, let me focus on my grandchildren, let me apply myself to a successful career first...let me pursue my life, live my dreams.... It’s not time to build the Kingdom of GOD; it’s not time to build my relationship with HIM....”

Verse 5: Now therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts: ’Consider your ways!’”

HE repeats it in verse 7:

Consider. Your. Ways.
Stop. Think. Beware.

Beloved family, please take time today, this week, to re-examine the direction of your life.

Consider your ways,” HOLY SPIRIT whispers gently to us. It’s a loving warning and appeal from Heaven.

Verse 8: “’Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,’ says the LORD.”


  1. Go up to the mountains” means to take your walk deeper into HIM. Do whatever it takes!!! Fast, pray, hear and obey. Remember, to climb a mountain is high (to backslide is so, so easy)!

  1. Bring wood” means to fetch what HE gives you in the secret place and bring it to daily life. Apply it. Minister to HIS people. Love on them, forgive them (especially the unlovable and the unforgivable). Pray for the persecuted brethren as we have been instructed.

  1. HE will take pleasure in it and HE will be glorified!!!!!


*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version of the Bible.

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Strategic prayers for Christian Jews and Palestinians

“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.”

Galatians 3:27-29 (ESV)



2021 Prayer Conference
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021  |  Time: 9:30 am-8:30 pm (EST)

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Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.
Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST) 
Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


A few weeks before the recent conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians broke out, the LORD showed me a dream.

This dream looked like a scene out of the movie World War Z, starring Brad Pitt. Only this time, hordes of both people and animals were climbing the walls around Israel.

Israel responded to the invasion and released something similar to an atomic bomb. It wasn’t an atomic bomb, but it caused just as much devastation, leveling buildings and wiping out everything around it. Then the dream ended.

A few days later, as I was praying with friends, the HOLY SPIRIT gave revelation of what the dream meant. The plan of the enemy, satan, that defeated foe, is to cause such destruction on both sides, as to draw the rest of the world into this conflict. Specifically, satan wants to:

  • Draw China, Russia and the United States into a proxy war fought between Israel and Palestine.
  • Destabilize economies and cause unprecedented bloodshed.
  • Launch World War 3.
  • Speed up the timeline for the antichrist to be revealed – not the spirit of the antichrist which is already in operation, but the embodiment of the antichrist as spoken of in Revelation 13.

Wow. That is simply evil.

Many born again, Bible-believing children of GOD have read the Scripture in Psalm 122:6-7 that says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. This is true. However, let us pray more intelligently and strategically.

“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.”

Galatians 3:27-29 (ESV)

From this Scripture, we see that Jew, Greek (Gentile), male, female, slave and free – we are all equalized in CHRIST. Through CHRIST, we also become the seed of Abraham by faith, through adoption. The promise of ADONAI given to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 applies to us through CHRIST JESUS our LORD.

What this also means is that we have born again, BLOOD-washed Palestinians living in Gaza. We also have pagan Jews, believing in Kabbalah and other demonic, idol worship, living in Jerusalem! There are sinners and saints on both sides.

So how do we pray strategically?

Here are some HOLY SPIRIT prayer point recommendations:

  1. Ask the LORD to forgive all the people and the land for the shedding of innocent blood, responding to the blood cries for justice with the BLOOD of JESUS which speaks mercy.
  2. Ask the LORD to stop any involvement of foreign powers, pushing their own agendas.
  3. Ask the LORD to give wisdom and revelation to the right people, so the right negotiations can be done to bring GOD’s solution to the conflict.
  4. Ask the LORD for additional insight as to how to cover our brothers and sisters on both sides with the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST, pushing out unforgiveness and hate from the atmosphere, and the hearts and minds of the people, so that the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST can rule and reign.

In JESUS’ Holy Name, amen.

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Praying for your Children

As an international prayer group and missionary organization. We see the need for GOD to intervene in the lives of children all over the world — from children born into affluent families, to those who are orphaned and have no one to care for them. One thing all these children have in common is a need for protection, guidance and encounters with the living GOD.


2021 Prayer Conference

Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021  |  Time: 9:30 am-8:30 pm (EST)
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Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.
Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)
Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


As women, we are wired for compassion and nurturing. These are key ingredients for motherhood. Our GOD and MAKER, YAHWEH, made us this way. Therefore, these innate mothering qualities, unique only to us, let us cry out with a loud voice for GOD to meet all the children of this generation where they are and take them to where HE wants them to be.

Pray these prayers in your own way, with all your heart, focusing on these Scriptures. Intercede for children who desperately need your unique voice and your posture of intercession before ABBA.

“So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, ‘It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’ Thus Job did regularly.” Job 1:5

“So Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, ’Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.’” John 20:21-23

LORD JESUS CHRIST, I intercede on behalf of my children and the children of this generation, just like Job did for his children. Anywhere our children have offended YOU, sinned in rebelling against YOU and YOUR righteous laws, please forgive them.

LORD, I, as their mother and the mother of many children I did not physically bare, forgive them. LORD, as one who has received YOU, HOLY SPIRIT, I forgive them. Please LORD, forgive them as well. Let not their sins remain upon them, in JESUS’ Name.

“From there He arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And He entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden. 25 For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and she came and fell at His feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27 But Jesus said to her, ‘Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.’ 28 And she answered and said to Him, ’Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.’ 29 Then He said to her, ‘For this saying go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.’ 30 And when she had come to her house, she found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying on the bed.” Mark 7:24-30"

LORD JESUS CHRIST, thank YOU so much for allowing this part of YOUR miracle-working power to be on display here, through the persistent cries of a desperate mother. LORD, just like YOU did for this mother, do for me. I pray on behalf of every child who has no mother or father to intercede for them. LORD, I stand in the gap for my children and the children of this generation.

I release them now, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, from every demonic, satanic attack. I break off every tormenting spirit; suicidal spirit; cutting spirit; abortion spirit; emotional demons; sexual, seduction, jezebel spirits; rape, incest, molestation, abandonment spirits; lying spirits; spirits of rejection, anxiety, frustration, learning disorders, and epilepsy; deaf and dumb sprits; and mind-bending spirits that are clouding their thinking, emotions, and desires, in JESUS’ Name.

I use my parental authority to command them to leave my children and those of this generation, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, and never return again.

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor [b]serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” Exodus 20:4-6

LORD JESUS CHRIST, I ask in YOUR Holy Name, that by YOUR Blood, let it pay the price for the iniquity of the parents, grandparents, and great-great-grandparents of these children, in JESUS’ Name. Settle the claims that their iniquities required, in JESUS’ Name.

In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, I call all the spiritual debt against my children and the children of this generation “paid in full” by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, and I shut any open ancestral doors, in JESUS’ Name. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, I renounce on behalf of my children and the children of this generation any occult worship, any false god worship from generations past, and any that have been done recently.

LORD JESUS CHRIST, I ask for forgiveness on their behalf, and I forgive them as well. Therefore, I line my children and the children of this generation up for blessing down to the thousandth generation, because we love the LORD, amen.

“Train up a child in the way he should go,And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

LORD JESUS CHRIST, every living soul belongs to YOU. YOU made all things. Therefore, I ask in the Name of JESUS, that YOU would give every mother and father the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, strength, and courage, to train up their children in the ways of CHRIST. Please give each mother and father the grace, by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, to stand up and advocate for their children and this generation, both in the Spirit and in the Physical realms. LORD, for those children who have no one to train them, please send YOUR servants, YOUR adult children, even me and my family, into their lives to direct them and train them, in JESUS’ Name, amen.

“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:14-15

LORD JESUS CHRIST, I ask that YOU please help my children and those in this generation to continue into adulthood in their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and salvation, that in the midst of persecution, peer pressure, and ungodly influences, they would not give up their love and pursuit of YOU. Let my children continue to grow in the wisdom of GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT. Find pleasing faith and not doubt in them as they walk through this world, in JESUS’ Name.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain. 2 It is vain for you to rise up early, To sit up late, To eat the bread of sorrows; For so He gives His beloved sleep. 3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. 5 Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.” Psalm 127

LORD JESUS CHRIST, please come and build our homes. Build it the way YOU want it so that I can raise my children in it in peace and to YOUR good pleasure. For those children with no parents or home, give them shelter, give them YOUR Presence, give them someone to love and provide for them. Let all our children be raised up to the sharpened arrows in YOUR Mighty Hands, fit for YOUR service, LORD, and shielded from the enemy, satan, in JESUS’ Name.

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;” Isaiah 61:1

Thank YOU, LORD JESUS CHRIST, for setting our captive children and the children of this generation free to live for YOU. Thank YOU, JESUS, for making a way out of no way, for the children to experience YOUR goodness, mercy and loving kindness. Please restore any of their lost years back to them, so they can be productive for YOUR Kingdom on earth as YOU intended in heaven, in JESUS’ Name. Amen!

*All Scripture is from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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“You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If you afflict them in any way, and they cry at all to Me, I will surely hear their cry; and My wrath will become hot, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.”
Exodus 22:22-24



2021 Prayer Conference

Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021  |  Time: 9:30 am-8:30 pm (EST)
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Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.

Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)
Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


Sounds strange. Why should anyone have to compete to be loved?

But in America and around the world, orphaned children have to compete with each other to get adopted into a loving family. Can you imagine, from the age of newborn until 21, waiting, praying, hoping that someone will scroll through their picture and pick them from a line up of children?

I met a young 20-year-old in a foster home care facility a few weeks ago, who actually told me she was excited to be going to college and being adopted before she turned 21 and was no longer eligible. At 20 years old, she was still waiting to be loved, to belong to a family.

I had a dream where a little boy had his hand up so high, waiting to be noticed by a father who was playing with his own son. The little boy was an orphan, and he thought if he stood on his tippy toes, with his hand up as high as he could, maybe that father would play with him as well. Only to be ignored. That dream changed my life.

“You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If you afflict them in any way, and they cry at all to Me, I will surely hear their cry; and My wrath will become hot, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.”
Exodus 22:22-23

A few weeks ago, I went to New York to be with some sisters there. We set up food, music, and outdoor activities, and shared life truths with young teen boys and girls at the foster facility.

One thing I noticed so clearly: We all need to be loved. We all need to know we belong to someone.

“A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation.”
Psalm 68:5

“When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me.”
Psalm 27:1

When the WORD of the LORD tells us to be HOLY as our FATHER in Heaven is HOLY (1 Peter 1:13-16), it means making holy choices. Love what GOD loves and hate what HE hates. YAHWEH, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, intended for us to love one another just as HE has loved us.

What better way for us to emulate our FATHER, than to open our hearts and actively love the orphan? After all, we ourselves were orphans, separated from GOD, until HE reached down through JESUS CHRIST and restored us back to HIMSELF. To prove HIS never ending love, HE gave us HIS SPIRIT to be with us while on earth, and a home to live with HIM forever in Heaven (John 14).

Be intentional. Go out of your way to find and love orphans and the fatherless.


1.   Ask the LORD for forgiveness for where you have neglected the plight of the orphan or the widow, for when you just thought that the system will take care of them, and that there is no need to get involved.

2.   Command every spirit of apathy to the needs of others to leave you forever and never return, in JESUS’ Name.

3.   Request the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to teach you to love people, even when you do not know their story.


1.   Connect with social services, churches, schools and anyone in your community who may know. Ask how you may help the orphans and widows in your community.

2.  Consider becoming a family to an orphan and providing them with the love, the home, and the sense of belonging they so desperately need.

3.   Volunteer to share CHRIST with those who need HIM now. This is one way we can get involved and become the solution JESUS expects us to be. Reaching out to those who need our love can look like this:

*All Scripture is from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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“I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them. ⁴ I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.”

Psalm 101:3-4

“Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. 27 Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.”

Proverbs 4:26-27



Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.

Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)

Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


All the signs were there...the rapid descent of society, caused by the glib acceptance of evil by the Church. It has birthed a new level of degradation that has even reached our young children as they explore satanism, sexuality, sensuality, and more. Once regarded as “evil,” and then as choices to be “tolerated,” immorality is now glamorized and glorified all around us.

It became crystal clear one morning three years ago when I happened across a TV channel for children. Witches, vampires, crystal balls, and black magic were boldly celebrated in a cartoon for kids.

"But it's just for fun!" you might say, “It’s just a harmless cartoon.”

For far too long, we have allowed, and even supported, evil in the name of entertainment. We laugh at raunchy, lewd movies, we watch demonic horrors, and we purchase books that promote witches and warlocks. It's time to raise up a standard and take a stand against the evil that is thinly disguised as entertainment. But this is not mere rhetoric – it takes repentance, obedience, submission, and a commitment to change our actions.

Many in the Body of CHRIST have allowed themselves to fall prey to the “deception of the gradual,” and so the Bride has sullied herself with a mixture of “secular Christianity.” You see, when we can be entertained by evil, we begin to tolerate evil. When we tolerate evil, we slowly begin to accept evil as being "normal." When we accept evil, we begin to condone evil. And when we start condoning evil, we have fallen to a place so far from the Holiness of GOD that we begin to question the validity of HIS Word, or even begin to manipulate it for our purposes!

The Bride of CHRIST has sullied herself and we decry everything and everyone else rather than taking personal responsibility.

“At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you. 14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13-14

It's up to the Church to repent. It's up to the Church to humble Herself. It's up to the Church to come clean. No compromise! No mixture!

There is a four-letter word that has been misused and overused in the Church: HOLY. This one word evokes pictures of legalistic righteousness, or a list of “do’s and don’ts” that must be followed, or an older church “saint” who judgmentally uses it to condemn the lost and exalt his/her own self-righteousness. But what does it really mean to be “holy?”

“…let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1

Holiness is simply cleansing ourselves from everything that contaminates our body and our spirit. Why? Because we fear GOD.

The answer to the ills of society does not rest in the government. It does not rest in one political party over another. It does not rest in Hollywood. It does not rest in education. It does not rest in our judicial system. It does not rest in the police.

The answer rests in JESUS. And once you and I (HIS Bride) come to the realization that we must purify ourselves…humble ourselves…pray…seek HIS Face…and actively turn from our wicked ways…then, and only then, will we see revival sweep through our land.

It starts with you. And it starts with me. Will you answer the call?

“So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. 15 But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. 16 For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’”

1 Peter 1:14-16


1.    Ask the LORD to show you the areas in your life where you have come into agreement with the world or the enemy.

2.     Pray and renounce the wickedness that has crept into your life or your household.

3.     Request the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to sanctify you and make you holy.


1.    Be obedient and implement practical application of holiness in what you watch, in what you listen to, in who you hang out with, in what you think about – in all of the influences of your life.

2.    Find someone who you can be transparent with and will hold you accountable against the “deception of the gradual.”

*All Scripture is from the New Living Translation of the Bible.

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"that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, ¹¹ that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead."

Philippians 3:10-11 (ESV)



Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.

Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)

Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


Just 150 years ago, in the villages in Northeast, India, lived tribes of headhunters. Their custom required the males to collect as many heads as possible as a show of strength and the capability to protect his household. The more heads he collected, the more eligible he was considered for marriage.

In the midst of this aggressive tribalism, and despite severe opposition, missionaries brought the Good News of JESUS CHRIST. One particular villager, Nokseng, came to CHRIST, along with his wife and two children. As a result, more villagers gave their lives to CHRIST.

Now this angered the chief, who ordered Nokseng to publicly renounce his faith in front of the entire village…or face death. Nokseng, lead by the HOLY SPIRIT, replied, “I have decided to follow JESUS. No turning back, no turning back.

The infuriated chief immediately ordered Nokseng’s two sons to be shot with arrows, and they fell dead.

Again, the chief ordered Nokseng to renounce his faith at the risk of losing his wife. Nokseng responded, “Though no one joins me, still I will follow. No turning back, no turning back.

Nokseng’s wife was immediately shot down and died.

A third time, the chief issued the same order to Nokseng, or risk his own life. Nokseng uttered these final words, “The cross before me, the world behind me. No turning back, no turning back.

Nokseng was shot immediately and joined his family in death.

But the chief, overwhelmed that this man would give his life for a MAN who lived 2,000 years ago on an entirely different continent, was touched by the HOLY SPIRIT and exclaimed, “I too belong to JESUS!” This sparked a revival and the entire village came to CHRIST, praise GOD!

Nokseng decided to follow JESUS to death. He knew what it meant to “share HIS sufferings.” 

The picture above shows some of the 21 Christian men who were beheaded in Egypt. Why? They chose to die rather than deny CHRIST and convert to Islam. And this did not happen hundreds of years ago. The Islamic State issued a video of the beheadings just six short years ago in 2015.

These men decided to follow JESUS to death. They knew what it meant to “share HIS sufferings.”

Do we?

Ask yourself: How much am I really willing to suffer? What will I submit? Will I submit ALL? Or will I only submit up to the point where the sacrifice is too great of a cost?

Are we truly willing to suffer and die for CHRIST? Or even on a daily basis – are we willing to put to death our pride? Our “right” to be right when it comes to holding onto some offense against an acquaintance, or even a friend or family member? Will we surrender our need for control, our money, our worries, our relationships, our future, our family? Are we willing to give up a favorite television show, or change the type of language we use, or sacrifice our time to help someone in need when we are in a rush? Are we willing to suffer and be persecuted for the sake of CHRIST, who suffered and died for us?

Are we truly willing to become like HIM in every area of our lives?

It takes complete surrender…total submission…to the Cross of CHRIST.

I have decided to follow JESUS. No turning back. No turning back!


1.    Ask the LORD to shine a spotlight on every area of your life and to show you those areas that need to be surrendered to HIM.

2.     Pray the words of Psalm 19:12-14 (NLT): “How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don’t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

3.     Request the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to teach you how to joyfully praise GOD even in the submission.


1.     Be obedient to work out the change in your life that is needed as the HOLY SPIRIT illuminates those areas in your life.

2.    Find someone to be accountable to, especially in the areas of struggle. Trust them enough to be honest with them about your struggles as you endeavor to submit every area to the LORD and walk a life of surrender before HIM.

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“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:16-20 (NKJV)



Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.

Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)

Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


We have all heard the stories of the Glory of GOD invading a gathering of believers, and I believe many have felt this as well. But only a few have seen a brief glimpse of the eternal weight of glory referred to in this verse. There is so much more for us to experience, and it’s coming, and it is here. 

To prepare, GOD is pruning HIS Body, that we might bear much fruit. Persecution is how HE does this. 

Prior to the destruction of Herod’s temple in approximately 70 AD, the Followers of the Way, also known as CHRISTians, left Jerusalem. Why? Because of persecution. 

The catalyst for believers leaving Jerusalem and spreading the GOD News of JESUS CHRIST around the world was the death of Stephen (Acts 7:57-8:1). Prior to this, their numbers grew and everyone was comfortable enough to begin infighting about what set of widows received daily distributions first (Acts 6:1).

We are in that place again. Persecution, beginning with censorship, has already begun for the Ekklesia. Posts that are contrary to mainstream media will be taken down, accounts deactivated, censorship will be the song of the day, accounts will be monitored. Those who proclaim the unchanging truth of CHRIST will be labeled “terrorist.”

It’s time for the true, uncompromising Body of CHRIST to go underground.  

But while underground, the gifts will manifest. The Glory of GOD will be evident, because HIS children will build home churches, virtual churches, secret place worship spaces…exactly the way ADONAI wants it, to HIS specifications. 

Then the Glory will come. 

When the priests working in Solomon’s temple put the Ark in the right place, exactly where GOD wanted it, the Glory came and they could not even stand to minister (see 1 Kings 8:10-11).

“And when the priests came out of the Holy Place, a cloud filled the house of the Lord, 11 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.” 1 Kings 8:10-11 (ESV)

When Moses put the Mercy Seat on top of the Ark (Exodus 40:33-35), the thick cloud of GOD’s Glory pushed him out of the space. HE couldn’t enter the tent of meeting because GOD’s Glory was so thick. 

Are you ready for a fresh outpouring of the Glory of GOD? Become part of the underground movement.

“And he erected the court around the tabernacle and the altar, and set up the screen of the gate of the court. So Moses finished the work.34 Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” Exodus 40:33-35 (ESV)



  1. Ask the LORD for forgiveness for the need to be seen, the loud but powerless church, and for ways we have all let religion dictate the level of encounters with GOD we can have. 
  2. Command your spirit to bless the LORD at all times, even in seasons when times are hard. 
  3. Request the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to teach you how to setup your prayer space where GOD can encounter you and connect you with Followers of the Way, who are looking to experience GOD and live for HIM, amen. 


  1. Ask the LORD to lead you to Bible-believing believers who you can trust and walk in true communion with, in JESUS’ Name. Join them.
  2. Setup a time and space in your home to consistently seek GOD. Make it a habit to arise early in morning to seek HIS FACE and center your world around HIM.

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“As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, ‘Take it, for this is my body.’ 23 And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. 24 And he said to them, ‘This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice for many.’” Mark 14:22-24



Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.

Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)

Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


All across the world, those who believe in JESUS CHRIST took Communion on Resurrection Sunday.

The Last Supper was also JESUS’ last meal on earth. When we take Communion (bread or wafer and drinking of wine or grape juice in church), we are doing many things.

We are remembering the sacrifice that bought our forgiveness for the rebellion (sin) against the commands of GOD – the substitute of Holy BLOOD was needed to restore us to right relationship with GOD (see Leviticus 17:11).

We are sharing a meal with other believers all over the world, just like JESUS commanded and demonstrated by eating with HIS disciples.

We became and are becoming the Gentiles who worship the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the ones whom Malachi talked about in the Scripture below:

“’But my name is honored by people of other nations from morning till night. All around the world they offer sweet incense and pure offerings in honor of my name. For my name is great among the nations,’ says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.”

Malachi 1:11

JESUS CHRIST is the ONE who restores all of us back to GOD the FATHER and unifies us to each other all over the world.

So why do we let satan divide us, when JESUS’ death, resurrection and ascension unifies us through the HOLY SPIRIT?

May the LORD open our eyes to JESUS the CHRIST who prayed that all HIS disciples, students, followers, and learners be one in HIM. Diversity and unity go hand-in-hand inside the LORD JESUS CHRIST through the HOLY SPIRIT.

“I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.”
John 17:21


1.     Ask the LORD for forgiveness for where you have partnered with satan to divide a church congregation or spoken negative words against church leaders, members and others of a different church denomination, rather than pray for them

2.     Command the spirit of backbiting, critical finger pointing, and unholy thoughts out of your mouth in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Also command every emotional scarring and heart (spirit) wounds that have come from church and/or other believers to come off of your soul and spirit right now in JESUS’ Name.

3.   Request the HOLY SPIRIT to give you a fresh dose of love for your fellow believers, regardless of their domination, skin color, or geographical location. Ask HOLY SPIRIT to come and be LORD inside the Church, the BODY of CHRIST, and unify our diversities until we collectively become a sweet, rich-smelling aroma of worship to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the FATHER.


4.     Ask the LORD to lead you to a church organization that is led by the HOLY SPIRIT that you can join. Start with watching their services online or joining their Bible studies. See where that takes you. If you would like to join WeRemnant Bible Study on Monday nights at 7:00 pm EST, feel free to do so. You are always welcome! Check out the links above or below this email for our Zoom links.

*All Scripture references are from the New Living Translation of the Bible.

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"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, 15 having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, 16 and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity.” Ephesians 2:13-16



Join us Monday Nights on Zoom for Bible Study.

Topic: The HOLY SPIRIT  |  Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)

Click here to register for this teaching which will only be accessible via Zoom.
To watch our recent teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT, click here.


I had a vision, hallelujah! Thank YOU, LORD, for letting me see in the HOLY SPIRIT.

In this vision, I saw the penciled figure of a man much like in the diagram below. It had lines – walls of division all through it’s body.

The HOLY SPIRIT explained to me that this was the current state of the BODY of CHRIST. That is why we are walking in the fullness of HIS Power, necessary to shift principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness over nations, regions and communities.

What shocked me was that HOLY SPIRIT was telling me that I and my small prayer team of between 15 to 50 people, depending on who showed up for prayer, could not do it alone! Why? Because we were too geographically dispersed.

GOD (FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT) wants to set up warrior cells in our local areas to take down the rulers of darkness over our communities.  HE wants prayer cells to take down demonic powers in our regions (cities, counties, states). GOD wants to connect the local area and state level prayer cells together to take down principalities in a nation.

Without unity, we have limited power.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!
2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing—
Life forevermore."
Psalm 133

The blessing, favor, and power of GOD are commanded into the place of unity.

The vision continued, hallelujah!

I saw a mighty army crossing the Red Sea on dry ground.

The LORD told me that this is what HE wants to do again today. However, if HE parted the Red Sea for HIS children today, only a trickle would walk through it. Some would be running back, trying to convince loved ones to walk through. Others would attempt to discover the scientific method of how to reproduce the miracle so they could take credit for its discovery. Yet others may be selling tickets for other believers to purchase before they could cross over. Let’s not get into whether this Red Sea road is only for white Evangelicals, or black African Methodists, or Baptists, and so on.

This is what satan used to divide us, blinding us to the power of unity.

“How could one chase a thousand,
And two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
And the Lord had surrendered them?
31 For their rock is not like our Rock..."
Deuteronomy 32:30-31

To win the battle for the hearts and minds of men, women, and children, we have to take the GOD News of JESUS CHRIST to the streets, airwaves, businesses, schools, hospitals, government, entertainment, science, finance and everywhere in between. All these systems have principalities, powers and rulers of darkness connected to them, preventing entry of the GOD News.

Will you and I become the unified house of prayer, that opens the spiritual portals and raises up the apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors necessary to take the land? Will we be ones that continue to pray and fast to keep those portals of HOLY angelic actions open over our communities, states and nation, much like in the days of the Azusa Street Revival?

Say yes to GOD.


1.     Ask the LORD for forgiveness for partnering with satan to bad mouth or tear down the Body of CHRIST and fellow CHRIST followers. Remember – the power of life and death is in our tongue, not satan’s. So what we see today, we spoke yesterday.

2.   Command every spirit of pride, every church scare, every trauma received by your soul from the Body of CHRIST, from the Church, to go now, in the Name of JESUS. Command every hurt expectation to be removed from your heart in JESUS’ Name.

3.     Request the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to give you a love for the Body of CHRIST, to make you an intercessor for your local Body, and to use you to hold up the hands of your local leaders in the HOLY SPIRIT. Cover your leaders with the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST, and pray for them to be unified with other HOLY SPIRIT-filled leaders in other churches, so that the BODY can truly be ONE in CHRIST.


4.     Ask the LORD to make you a prayer warrior and join you to other prayer teams where you can learn, grow, and take territory in the spirit realm, opening portals for HOLY angelic visitation and activity in your community, state and nation.


*All Scripture references are from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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