March 16, 2022

“God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message: ‘The conquering legions have themselves been conquered. Look at them flee!’ Now Zion’s women are left to gather the spoils.”
Psalm 68:11-12 (TPT)



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Discernment Bible Study
on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)


Since this month is INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MONTH, this verse fits so perfectly for this week’s blog. The Masoretic text uses a feminine word for “army” here. When the Bible was translated into the King James Version, women were not allowed to preach – it was practically forbidden!! To the glory of GOD, women have come a long way in the church.

Verse 12 helps us to understand, though, that this verse is about war. The Command/Word the LORD declares can cause armies to be conquered. This can only happen if the Word is delivered. We as women this month and all year need to declare the Word of the LORD.

Part of our responsibility as Warring Women is to deliver the message of the LORD as we war on our knees. This further solidifies the power we wield when we bring the fight to satan on our knees. Situations need to hear the Word of the LORD; the enemy is to be conquered when the Word is declared. Not only conquered, but he must also FLEE!

Then comes the best part: We will GATHER THE SPOILS! The LORD has promised the spoils to us; there will be restoration. Restoration in your home, your job, your marriage, your children and much more.

So remember, friends, do not give up in the interceding. Keep declaring the Word of the LORD! The enemy has no choice but to flee and leave the spoils of war behind.

The world is waiting! The Church is waiting for the Warring Women. What a time to be alive!!

Sisters, the LORD has prepared us for battle. Get ready, Warring Women! Get ready FOR WAR!! Gather the spoils of war! The spoils of war are ours this month and ALWAYS! Amen!

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*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.


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