May 17, 2022


“But to us living in these last days, GOD now SPEAKS to us openly in the language of a Son, the appointed Heir of everything, for through him GOD created the panorama of all things and all time.”

Hebrews 1:2 (TPT)



Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)


The middle of this verse makes a particularly important statement: GOD SPEAKS in the language of a SON. The same way we speak in the English language is the same way GOD speaks in the language of a SON. GOD only speaks JESUS; GOD only speaks in the JESUS language.


Let us take GOD speaking a step further. YAHWEH spoke the world into creation and, remember, no WORD will ever return to HIM void. So, JEHOVAH created the eartht hrough JESUS (using the only language He knows: JESUS) and for JESUS (Colossians 1:16). It is therefore impossible for the WORD (JESUS) to return to GOD void.


The promises GOD made to Abraham were in the language of HIS SON (JESUS), which means they were through JESUS and for JESUS. Every letter, every syllable, is all JESUS. HIS WORDs are complete, nothing is missing. It can NEVER return to HIM void because it is JESUS that comes out of HIS mouth. This, then, makes more sense on JESUS being willing giving up HIMSELF as a sacrifice for us, HIS Bride. HE is JEHOVAH’s spoken Word; the Word is alive, REALLY ALIVE!


“The Son is the dazzling radiance of GOD’s splendor, the exact expression of GOD’s true nature—his mirror image!” Hebrews 1:3a (TPT)


This verse drives home verse two. JESUS is the mirror image of GOD. HE is the FATHER’s spitting image. There is no telling apart here; you and I cannot tell who is the FATHER and who is the SON. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and move ahand; you know what happens to the reflection portrayed. The same thing is going on here.


For GOD so loved the world (mirror image)…for JESUS so loved the world…

that HE gave (mirror image)…that JESUS gave…

JESUS HIMSELF said it: I only do what I see MY FATHER in Heaven doing. It is impossible for HIM to do otherwise. It cannot happen because JESUS is the only language our FATHER, LORD, JEHOVAH, YAHWEH knows how to speak.


Are there any promises in the Word of GOD that you are standing on? Brothers and Sisters, you must come to the place and realization that these Words are real, VERY REAL. This is JESUS on the page, the mirror image of GOD. Every letter and syllable are alive; they are not simply alphabet letters… it is actually the JESUS Language. GOD cannot speak another language. Remind GOD of HIS promises to you. Remind HIM that HE spoke these promises to you in the language of HIS SON.


Glory to GOD in the highest!

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*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.


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