2021 Prophetic Word Part 1: Persecution

January 8, 2021

“For our gospel came to you not merely in the form of words but in mighty power infused with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. Surely you remember how we lived our lives transparently before you to encourage you. 6 And you became followers of my example and the Lord’s when you received the word with the joy of the Holy Spirit, even though it resulted in tremendous trials and persecution. 7 Now you have become an example for all the believers to follow throughout the provinces of Greece.”

1 Thessalonians 1: 5-7 (TPT)


New Thing in 2021
Friday Prayer Hour will be replaced with Live Monday Night Bible Study.

Beginning January 2021, we will host the first hour, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, of
Monday Night Bible Study live on Facebook and YouTube.
The second hour, 8:00 – 9:00 pm, prayer and question and answer session
will continue offline through Zoom.

Join us for a deep teaching on the HOLY SPIRIT.

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Facebook and YouTube pages.
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In December 2019, the LORD gave us at GoBehindTheVeil (GBTV) an outline of how the 2020 decade will go. Please click here to listen to this audio recording.

Now, as we enter 2021, HE has given us more insight into what to expect in the new year. We will release this information to you in three parts. The first part is this:

Persecution is coming to the church institution and the Ekklesia of GOD.

There will be violence against those who call themselves Christians, as well as those who genuinely love the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The world will not care about doctrinal differences. If you name the Name of CHRIST, even partially, they are coming for you.

Preaching the true Gospel will be considered hate speech no matter how lovingly it is presented. Censorship and even funding (donation) limitations and restrictions will drive some, if not most, church institutions underground. Expect more court cases related to freedom of speech and civil liberties being taken even to the Supreme Court.

But, in all of this, the Ekklesia will rise, hallelujah!

The Ekklesia are those who persevere during persecution, refusing to let the light of the HOLY SPIRIT within them be put out, regardless of heated persecution. For those who love the LORD JESUS, we already know that suffering is part of the package.

“And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. I will be one with him in his sufferings and I will be one with him in his death. 11 Only then will I be able to experience complete oneness with him in his resurrection from the realm of death." Philippians 3:10-11 (TPT)

Now, while it is called ‘today,’ let us determine within ourselves and partner with the HOLY SPIRIT, committing ourselves unto the LORD, that we will stand for CHRIST even if we stand alone.

Even if it means losing friends, giving without tax credits, we will stand for CHRIST. Let us purpose within ourselves that even if our reputation is tarnished, we will stand for CHRIST.

Will you stand with CHRIST when it gets hard?

There are many other prophetic warnings and prayer points available on GoBehindTheVeil


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